January 7, 2019
Today, we’re excited to launch our “LIVE” ESL FUN podcast—one we’ve been working on for months—called WorldTeachESL. It’s about teaching English to Language Learners (ELL). Yes, that’s right.
The show takes on a unique approach to having fun in English as Secondary Langauage (ESL) classrooms by offering common solutions to everyday problems you face. There are times you might not feel like you’re prepared, or there’s a particular student who doesn’t allow you to teach. (Podcast Website)
At WorldTeachESL we are offering ESL FUN activities to “solve” these ESL headaches, helping nip them in the bud before they turn into serious problems.
We will offer on every episode a new activity for the day. We’re going to walk you step by step through the process, and by the end of it you’ll be able to implement the activity with your students.”
“I guarantee each activity to bring excitemnt to any lesson.” – Tom
“Hello and welcome to the WorldTeachESL podcast, this is the show for ESL teachers, all about ESL FUN activities, and on this episode, have you ever struggled with classroom management?, well that’s exactly what we’re going to help you with on this week’s show, where you’ll learn how to lead, practice, engage, demonstrate, play…” (see Classroom Management)
Let’s face it, most kids and adults find learning a challenge. Students rebel against the rules rather than participate with the lesson at times.
We offer a fun alternative to this daily problem. WorldTeachESL provides the teacher and students an exciting way of learning a new language.
Let’s have fun!
Tom Songer
ESL Teacher/Writer/World Traveler